Here is my writing. I do not pretend to be a great writer or poet. I write what is on my heart.

I hope that you enjoy my posts. I hope that they touch you in one way or another. Most of all I hope that they make you think.

Verse(s) of the Week

Mal 3:10

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"I See You"

I went to see the Movie Avatar and I have to say that is was a great movie. There are some controversial issues in the movie but at the same time I was struck by the love of Christ from that movie. We were talking last week about how Christ moves us with everyday things and in strange ways. Here is how Christ moved me, through Avatar.
There is a line is Avatar that really touched me. The line is “I see you”. This is not saying I see you in front of me or I see you standing there. It means I truly see who you are and I understand. It means I see everything that you are, and I love you! There is only one in this life that truly can say that, and that is Christ. He is the only one that can truly see you, and the thing that blows my mind every time that I think about it is that He accepts me for everything that I am. Another thing that struck me was that the main character in the film was a cripple. I look at myself and see how completely broken and sinful I am. In a world that strives for outer beauty forgets to seek the beauty on the inside. Christ sees us in our most broken states looks into our hearts and says “I see you”.
How do I look at others? Sadly I look at them and forget to truly try and see them. I may say hello and keep walking, but do I truly take the time to “see” them? One day I will be able to look my creator in the face and know that I am holy and blameless in His sight. I will look up at Him in awe and say “I see you”! Thank you Lord!

Lord give me eyes to truly see you in everything. Guide my heart so that I may better know you and the path that you have set before me. Help me to look on others as you look on me, and to love like you love.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Humbled and Convicted

There never seems to be a weekend where I am not humbled by Gods love for me and how unworthy I am of His love. I see Christ working in so many area's of my life. This weekend hit me hard... How am I treating other people, am I treating them as Christ would treat them? Am I serving others before myself? In doing this am I serving others and working without grumbling? To all of these questions I would have to give an emphatic No..... This weekend has brought me to a place where words will not do, and prayer and silence before Christ seems to be the only way to work on, and calm what He has stirred in me.