Here is my writing. I do not pretend to be a great writer or poet. I write what is on my heart.

I hope that you enjoy my posts. I hope that they touch you in one way or another. Most of all I hope that they make you think.

Verse(s) of the Week

Mal 3:10

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Conviction is a very good thing!

After a very convicting and wonderful Bible study I find myself in awe of the life that Christ has given me and my lack of conviction over the years not to be more bold in sharing His wonderful love and grace with everyone I see and everyone that I impact in this life that is so fleeting. How many people have I not impacted out of fear and out of the chance of being rejected?

Philippians 1:6, 1:12, 1:20-21, 1:27-30

Placement and Power

Picture if you will a small child slowly walking up to the line in a bowling alley, a ball so large that he can barely pick it up. He struggles with all his might to toss the ball and get it to hit the pins. The ball slowly moves down the lane. Everyone seems to laugh and to look away because the moment of impact will be so anti climactic. Some clap and cheer and others could care less and go on with what they were doing. In amazement the people turn their eyes to see every pin falling, falling to the lightest touch. The ball hit the exact spot it needed no matter the power to knock down every pin. The child laughs dances and cries out in joy, and everyone is astonished.

Now I want you to picture Gods bowling alley. He is the one that places you on this long lane called life. He has placed you exactly where he wants you, and for the people and situations that He has prepared you for, and for you. He places you exactly where you need to be. You are the ball and the power behind the ball is the power of your witness to others in Christ Jesus. The pins are every person that you see every day in every situation. They are the man on the side of the road that needs food, they are the ones closest to you, and the ones you hold most dear to your heart. They are your enemies and the CEOs of companies, they are the wife’s, sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers that are struggling to fill that hole that can only be filled by Christ. How am I supposed to impact all of these people? I am not ready for this? Do not have the knowledge for this? I am not ready for rejection and pain? What if people mock me, and humiliate me? I am not ready to lose this friend that I love so dearly. But I ask you this, would you take the chance not to lose them in this life, and have them not know this great love, to not know Christ the one that can save them and make them whole?

I look back on my life and often wonder why things happened the way they did, and how I could have had things come out differently. I know now that everything that has happened in my life has happened for a reason and for Christ Glory. Every person I know and meet is there because of the path Christ has put me on. I am on this course to impact people’s lives for Christ and to give the Glory to Him. I look back on my life and see so many missed opportunities. I find myself not willing to share unless I will knock all of the pins down to thunderous applause. To get a strike! How wonderful that would be, but that is not always Christ’s way. Reach out where ever you are, with the power you have in Christ. Reach out in love and with joy to the lost and broken hearted. Even if you make the pins tremble the impact is made, and Christ will do the rest. What have you to fear when you have the power of the almighty behind you and in your heart?!

Picture if you will a small child slowly walking up to the line in a bowling alley, a ball so large that he can barely pick it up. He struggles with all his might to toss the ball and get it to hit the pins. The ball slowly moves down the lane. The ball slowly rolls up to the pins and impacts one pin and knocks it over, the rest of the pins are left standing. The child laughs, dances, and cries out in joy, and everyone is astonished. Christ can do the greatest things, even with the smallest tap.

Be Bold in Christ!

Friday, February 19, 2010

He is Moving

Each day I pray Lord that you will show me your way, and that you will show me the path you have made for me. Please Lord; give me the strength to hold onto what you have for me, and to never push it away. How many times have I heard your voice or seen your hand moving and done nothing? How many times have I been so caught up in life that I do not pay attention to your soft whispers? Make me slow down, and calm my voice so that I may hear your whispers. Lord I see your hand moving, but am I moving with it? Break me where I need to be broken Lord so I may better serve you. Lord, make me yours.

If you are struggling with where you think Christ wants you to go, or if you are having a hard time hearing Him or seeing what He is doing. I encourage you to look at today's verses. He is always with you, even when it seems noone is. Hang onto Him, for He is holding onto you.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's note to my Beloved

Each night I think of you and wonder where you are. I am so tired of this search, but for the treasure I will one day find. All these other women tell me they are searching for love, then shy away or push me away. I am so tired. Tired of wasted time, and wasted hopes. I am tired of this longing. A hand to hold would be so wonderful, but what of it if my hand is tossed away at the first mistake, or flaw seen. I am who I am and that is all I can be. Christ gives me strength and guides my steps. He is working in me and that is all that matters. I count everything else as loss compared to Him. Why am I searching for love when He is right in front of me? Why? Because I still long to hold your hand, and I beleive He wants you for me too. When I find you please hold my hand tight and never let go. I miss you every day and I do not even know your name. You are in my dreams and I will hold on, but only with Christs help. With each tear I miss you more. Good night my love, where ever you are.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

His Grace is Sufficient

"Then I saw in my dream that the interpreter took Christian and lead him into a place where a fire was burning next to a wall. Standing by the wall was an individual who was continually throwing water on a fire to put it out. Yet the fire just burned higher and hotter. Christian asked, 'What does this mean?'. The Interpreter answered, 'This fire is the work of grace working in the heart. He who throws water on it to extinguish it and put it out is the Devil. But, as you can see, The fire is burning higher and hotter in spite of it. You'll be shown the reason for that.' With that he took Christian to the other side of the wall. There is saw a man with a jar of oil in his hand continually and secretly pouring the oil upon the fire. Again Christian asked, 'What does this mean?' The interpreter explained. 'This is Christ who continually maintains the work already begun in the heart by applying the oil of His Grace. Because of this, the soul of His people remain full of Grace in spite of what the Devil can do. In that you saw the man standing behind the wall to keep the fire burning, that's meant to teach you that it's hard for those tempted to see how this work of Grace is continued in the soul.'"
From: the Pilgrims Progress By John Bunyan pg. 40