Here is my writing. I do not pretend to be a great writer or poet. I write what is on my heart.

I hope that you enjoy my posts. I hope that they touch you in one way or another. Most of all I hope that they make you think.

Verse(s) of the Week

Mal 3:10

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Blessing Beyond Compare!

Gone for a Day

There have been days when I thought that you would never come. Lost in a sea of choices, in the thick mist of this world; guided by the only true compass, I have found you and I will never let you go. You compliment me in every way. Your strengths are my weaknesses, and I know that we can do anything when we come together in Christ! When I say goodbye for a day it feels like a month and when I leave your loving embrace I feel like I am leaving a piece of me behind. I never want to say goodbye. When I am gone for a day, you are always on my mind. The ways you make me laugh and cry the feel of your hand in mine and your loving soul. I could never find another as beautiful as you. I am gone for the day, but I will be back; back to get lost in your eyes. It is right where I want to be. I may be gone for the day but I am yours for life. I love you!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Love Like Christ and Have Nothing to Fear

Yet again I am blown away by the people that Christ has brought into my life; teaching me, growing me, developing me into who He wants me to be. I am humbled by His plan and I see Him in every step I take. Yet fear creeps in silently and makes my steps falter. I question again and again, all while Christ is telling me to bring everything to Him. Am I ready to love like Christ wants me to love? Am I ready to love without fear to love knowing that I may have to let go in order for these wonderful people to truly know their Saviors love? These past few weeks have brought me to a place that I truly never thought I would be. I have found a beauty that I have never seen, yet I see it ever clearer every time I pray. I seek Christ and I find her there, right where she needs to be; lost in her Savior’s love.

Lord help me to love like you love. Take away my fears and calm my heart. May we find each other only when we are closest to you. Fear has no place in your presence squelch it and guide us to you. Thank you Lord! For you are worthy of Praise! In the good and the bad for your plan is perfect!

Monday, May 24, 2010

A knight in tattered Armor

As I grew up I was taught to hold women to the highest standards and to treat them with the highest respect. To honor and cherish them and to sacrifice everything for them when the situation arises. As a man of Christ I am called to defend them and myself when dragons arise in my life and in theirs. I have failed many times in my life and I have the burns to prove it. This tale is for all those who battle dragon’s everyday, and know that their armor is anything but shiny.

Through the woods walked a scrawny and lanky lad of about 9 years old. There was nothing spectacular about him, and many would not give him a second glance. His hair was curly and large upon his seemingly over sized head, and looked like it did not know whether it wanted to be brown or blond. His arms were longer than usual and added to his wiry appearance. His chin was pronounced and he had a mole right above his upper lip. His smile revealed over sized teeth that would one day be grown into and his eyes were as blue as the sky. His knees were scraped and bruised as he sometimes dragged his left foot; this fact often led to tripping and falling on nasty “thorn soldiers”. I will get to the dragon wars later in the tale, but now it is time to get to know me. If you read the above you know my looks at least at age 9. There will be some embellishment from my imagination as a youth as well to make a better story. My dragon wars are far from over, but this is where I will begin.
I grew up far in the woods; far enough from the city to know how to use my imagination and how to truly dream. I trudged through the woods with my wooden sword (a broken hockey stick) in my hand and dreamed that I was a Knight in shining armor. I did not have a steed because I was a country night and there were no roads in the woods. I was on a mission, a mission to save my one true love. What she looked like I did not know, all I knew is that she needed me, and in my heart I knew I needed her. She was in trouble and I needed to be there for her. I was made to protect her. I was made to slay the Dragons that held both of our lives captive. I knew then as I do now that in my heart I know that I will not be complete without her. To that fact I knew that I could not do this alone. I needed someone else, someone to guide me. As a knight, especially a rural knight I needed a master. Who better a master than my own creator Jesus Christ? I looked for His guidance on this road, as I still do to this day. I look to Him for strength to defeat my Dragons.
As I trudged I wondered; God how will I find my love and protect her? How will I know how to find the dragons and how will I know how to slay them? How will I have the strength to do all this? Did I have enough courage? To all of these questions He said that often times the dragons would find me and I would not have to look for many of them at all. He also told me that in all things to look to Him and to never lean on my own understanding.

I would have written more, but I am sick. The next installment will be coming soon, God willing.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blessings and Struggles

God has blessed me with a beautiful woman. Celeste brings me much joy and happiness. I thank God every day for her and for all the blessing she has brought into my life. Each and every time I look into her eyes I am reminded of my role in our relationship and how hard it is for me to stop looking at her and look to the Lord. I know where I would like this relationship to go, but I have given it to God and know that He will guide our paths. I also pray that if I hinder Celeste’s relationship with Christ in any way that Christ would give me the strength do what is best for both of us. My dad asked me the other day, “Are you ready and willing to sacrifice for Celeste?” That question floored me and I have been asking the same question to myself over and over. Am I ready to be the Man of God that Celeste needs me to be, and that Christ requires me to be? I would have to say that as of late I have been failing in this task, and ask for continued prayer for our relationship. Prayer that we would both keep our eyes and hearts locked on Christ first and on each other second. Each and every blessing given is for His glory and I long to say that Celeste and I relationship has advanced Christ’s kingdom. Thank you for all of your prayers! Every day lately Christ has been showing me just how blessed I truly am, I want to live up to all of these blessings and not take them for granted.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

He has Risen and we will too!

After another wonderful Bible study I am yet again humbled. After reading Philippians 3:21 I am reminded of my mother who courageously fought cancer for many years and through it all said “May Gods will be done in my life.” I am and always will be changed by her courage and strength granted to her from her creator and her love. My mother will be sitting at the banquet table and will raise her glass high and give thanks to the God that used her in a way that moved many to Christ even unto death. Her weak fragile ravaged body has passed away, but she is made anew in Christ! He Has Risen! I will one day raise my glass to my God and drink Him in with my mother and all who have passed before me and believed. My prayer is that Christ will use me in every way, even unto death, and that I will see all of you at that table.

Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"I See You"

I went to see the Movie Avatar and I have to say that is was a great movie. There are some controversial issues in the movie but at the same time I was struck by the love of Christ from that movie. We were talking last week about how Christ moves us with everyday things and in strange ways. Here is how Christ moved me, through Avatar.
There is a line is Avatar that really touched me. The line is “I see you”. This is not saying I see you in front of me or I see you standing there. It means I truly see who you are and I understand. It means I see everything that you are, and I love you! There is only one in this life that truly can say that, and that is Christ. He is the only one that can truly see you, and the thing that blows my mind every time that I think about it is that He accepts me for everything that I am. Another thing that struck me was that the main character in the film was a cripple. I look at myself and see how completely broken and sinful I am. In a world that strives for outer beauty forgets to seek the beauty on the inside. Christ sees us in our most broken states looks into our hearts and says “I see you”.
How do I look at others? Sadly I look at them and forget to truly try and see them. I may say hello and keep walking, but do I truly take the time to “see” them? One day I will be able to look my creator in the face and know that I am holy and blameless in His sight. I will look up at Him in awe and say “I see you”! Thank you Lord!

Lord give me eyes to truly see you in everything. Guide my heart so that I may better know you and the path that you have set before me. Help me to look on others as you look on me, and to love like you love.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Humbled and Convicted

There never seems to be a weekend where I am not humbled by Gods love for me and how unworthy I am of His love. I see Christ working in so many area's of my life. This weekend hit me hard... How am I treating other people, am I treating them as Christ would treat them? Am I serving others before myself? In doing this am I serving others and working without grumbling? To all of these questions I would have to give an emphatic No..... This weekend has brought me to a place where words will not do, and prayer and silence before Christ seems to be the only way to work on, and calm what He has stirred in me.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Conviction is a very good thing!

After a very convicting and wonderful Bible study I find myself in awe of the life that Christ has given me and my lack of conviction over the years not to be more bold in sharing His wonderful love and grace with everyone I see and everyone that I impact in this life that is so fleeting. How many people have I not impacted out of fear and out of the chance of being rejected?

Philippians 1:6, 1:12, 1:20-21, 1:27-30

Placement and Power

Picture if you will a small child slowly walking up to the line in a bowling alley, a ball so large that he can barely pick it up. He struggles with all his might to toss the ball and get it to hit the pins. The ball slowly moves down the lane. Everyone seems to laugh and to look away because the moment of impact will be so anti climactic. Some clap and cheer and others could care less and go on with what they were doing. In amazement the people turn their eyes to see every pin falling, falling to the lightest touch. The ball hit the exact spot it needed no matter the power to knock down every pin. The child laughs dances and cries out in joy, and everyone is astonished.

Now I want you to picture Gods bowling alley. He is the one that places you on this long lane called life. He has placed you exactly where he wants you, and for the people and situations that He has prepared you for, and for you. He places you exactly where you need to be. You are the ball and the power behind the ball is the power of your witness to others in Christ Jesus. The pins are every person that you see every day in every situation. They are the man on the side of the road that needs food, they are the ones closest to you, and the ones you hold most dear to your heart. They are your enemies and the CEOs of companies, they are the wife’s, sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers that are struggling to fill that hole that can only be filled by Christ. How am I supposed to impact all of these people? I am not ready for this? Do not have the knowledge for this? I am not ready for rejection and pain? What if people mock me, and humiliate me? I am not ready to lose this friend that I love so dearly. But I ask you this, would you take the chance not to lose them in this life, and have them not know this great love, to not know Christ the one that can save them and make them whole?

I look back on my life and often wonder why things happened the way they did, and how I could have had things come out differently. I know now that everything that has happened in my life has happened for a reason and for Christ Glory. Every person I know and meet is there because of the path Christ has put me on. I am on this course to impact people’s lives for Christ and to give the Glory to Him. I look back on my life and see so many missed opportunities. I find myself not willing to share unless I will knock all of the pins down to thunderous applause. To get a strike! How wonderful that would be, but that is not always Christ’s way. Reach out where ever you are, with the power you have in Christ. Reach out in love and with joy to the lost and broken hearted. Even if you make the pins tremble the impact is made, and Christ will do the rest. What have you to fear when you have the power of the almighty behind you and in your heart?!

Picture if you will a small child slowly walking up to the line in a bowling alley, a ball so large that he can barely pick it up. He struggles with all his might to toss the ball and get it to hit the pins. The ball slowly moves down the lane. The ball slowly rolls up to the pins and impacts one pin and knocks it over, the rest of the pins are left standing. The child laughs, dances, and cries out in joy, and everyone is astonished. Christ can do the greatest things, even with the smallest tap.

Be Bold in Christ!

Friday, February 19, 2010

He is Moving

Each day I pray Lord that you will show me your way, and that you will show me the path you have made for me. Please Lord; give me the strength to hold onto what you have for me, and to never push it away. How many times have I heard your voice or seen your hand moving and done nothing? How many times have I been so caught up in life that I do not pay attention to your soft whispers? Make me slow down, and calm my voice so that I may hear your whispers. Lord I see your hand moving, but am I moving with it? Break me where I need to be broken Lord so I may better serve you. Lord, make me yours.

If you are struggling with where you think Christ wants you to go, or if you are having a hard time hearing Him or seeing what He is doing. I encourage you to look at today's verses. He is always with you, even when it seems noone is. Hang onto Him, for He is holding onto you.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's note to my Beloved

Each night I think of you and wonder where you are. I am so tired of this search, but for the treasure I will one day find. All these other women tell me they are searching for love, then shy away or push me away. I am so tired. Tired of wasted time, and wasted hopes. I am tired of this longing. A hand to hold would be so wonderful, but what of it if my hand is tossed away at the first mistake, or flaw seen. I am who I am and that is all I can be. Christ gives me strength and guides my steps. He is working in me and that is all that matters. I count everything else as loss compared to Him. Why am I searching for love when He is right in front of me? Why? Because I still long to hold your hand, and I beleive He wants you for me too. When I find you please hold my hand tight and never let go. I miss you every day and I do not even know your name. You are in my dreams and I will hold on, but only with Christs help. With each tear I miss you more. Good night my love, where ever you are.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

His Grace is Sufficient

"Then I saw in my dream that the interpreter took Christian and lead him into a place where a fire was burning next to a wall. Standing by the wall was an individual who was continually throwing water on a fire to put it out. Yet the fire just burned higher and hotter. Christian asked, 'What does this mean?'. The Interpreter answered, 'This fire is the work of grace working in the heart. He who throws water on it to extinguish it and put it out is the Devil. But, as you can see, The fire is burning higher and hotter in spite of it. You'll be shown the reason for that.' With that he took Christian to the other side of the wall. There is saw a man with a jar of oil in his hand continually and secretly pouring the oil upon the fire. Again Christian asked, 'What does this mean?' The interpreter explained. 'This is Christ who continually maintains the work already begun in the heart by applying the oil of His Grace. Because of this, the soul of His people remain full of Grace in spite of what the Devil can do. In that you saw the man standing behind the wall to keep the fire burning, that's meant to teach you that it's hard for those tempted to see how this work of Grace is continued in the soul.'"
From: the Pilgrims Progress By John Bunyan pg. 40

Friday, January 29, 2010

What I want, and What I need.

There are so many things in my life that I want. But what do I really need? Very few times in my life have what I truly needed and wanted come together with Christ's plans for me and what He knows I need. The time I have waited for these things has been long, and the road has been anything but easy but that is when it is the most rewarding. Everything in life happens for a reason and only God can bring it all together for our good. Bring all your wants and needs to Christ and he will tell you; yes, no, or say wait and trust in me. What do you want and what do you truly need? God knows, bring them to the only one who will guide you right in all things.

Guided Steps
My Beloved

Each day I wait for you, wonder where you are. I look up at the moon and wonder if you are doing the same. My beloved I am waiting for you, for your gentile touch, and lovely smile. Each day I pray for you, that God will send the kisses from the lips that are only meant for you. I pray that you will hear my soft whispers of love. I am waiting, and God is working. How is he shaping you and molding you? My love, he is making you into only what He can, and I for you. I long for the day we will be together, as one. Only He could take me from your lovely embrace. I am waiting my beloved. My eyes will one day meet the one He has made for me. My heart will burst and my hands will tremble, I am not worthy of such a gift as you! Until that day my Love, I am waiting, and God is working, I put my trust in Him! He will guide our steps.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Short Cuts

Each morning I wake up and wonder what new road I will take today. Will I have the courage and the strength to take the road that God has set before me? I often find myself trying to take detours and “short cuts”. In my heart I know that this is not the road that I was supposed to take. In my head I think if I do it this way I can do it in my own power. How wrong I am all of the time. Yet I find myself trying to take the path that I choose. I find that I cannot walk these paths. I struggle up steep hills and through thorns and get caught in storms. My legs give out, my hands bleed from the thorns, and my will is broken. God picks me up and carries me the rest of the way. After the long journey Christ puts me back on the path, the path that I abandoned so long ago. Every road that I have taken in this life has led me straight to him. Every detour and shortcut has shown his love for me. I can do nothing without him!

May Christ shine his love and grace down upon all of you and may you see the path that he has set ahead of you. Trust in Christ for the strength and courage to take the path he has set in front of you. Even if you are on a detour now know that he is with you and that he is calling you back to him and the path he has made. Trust in him to carry you; do not trust in your own strength, like me, you can do nothing without him.